Lantmännen is an agricultural cooperative and Northern Europe’s leader in agriculture, machinery, bioenergy and food products.
Earth's inhabitants are ever-increasing. At the same time we need to eat and be healthy within the limits of what our one planet can produce. To supply the entire population of the world requires a change in the way we produce and consume food.
The greatest impact and potential lies in the cultivation stage. The road to sustainable cultivation involves managing and balancing several different challenges. Learn more about some of the most important challenges – the impact and how different cultivation methods can move us in the right direction. Lantmännen takes an active role in the development of a more sustainable farming where we can make a big difference for the climate and nature.
Lantmännen’s knowledge and operations in every stage represent an opportunity to drive and contribute to development in the grain value chain. We focus on research that can develop and move the entire grain sector forward.
Lantmännen works together with other players to drive the development of cultivation in a sustainable direction. We do this by offering advisory services to farmers and developing technology and methods. We conduct plant breeding with a focus on sustainable cultivation and we are at the forefront of non-chemical seed treatment. Working with farmers and customers, we can also develop new grain concepts with differentiated quality and improved environmental properties. Climate performance and traceability are examples of parameters that make the difference between one grain and another.
The cultivation concept Climate & Nature
Lantmännen has developed a new grain cultivation concept, Climate & Nature, with up to 30 % lower impact on the climate than the average Swedish wheat production. The method also increases biodiversity. Lantmännen is the first in the world to use the method in large scale grain farming.
Consumers can buy a more environment-friendly wheat and farmers can earn more since both the size of their harvest and the value of their grain increases.
The cultivation concept with up to 30% lower climate impact and with greater consideration for the environment and nature
Fertilizer with low carbon footprint
Fossil-free fuels
Crops are cultivated and dried without the use of fossil fuels.
Eco-driving and energy audits at the farm
With cultivation concept Climate & Nature Lantmännen contributes to addressing the key challenges in the cultivation stage.
Flour with up to 30 percent lower climate impact
With Lantmännen's new cultivation programme Climate & Nature, we have developed flour with lower climate and environmental impact.
Flour from the cultivation programme Climate & Nature enables consumers to easily make a sustainable choice. Since autumn 2015, all wheat flour from Kungsörnen is developed by Lantmännen's new cultivation programme Climate & Nature. It is the result of cooperation between Lantmännen’s owners and Swedish farmers, dialogue with our customers and extensive research and development.
Other players in the food industry are offered flour that is cultivated according to the programme Climate & Nature. Learn more about Lantmännen's products with sustainaiblity added value.
Important issues
Together we take responsibility from field to fork.
Learn more about other important issues in sustainability that Lantmännen works actively with.